“YUKI: Space Ranger”

I was fortunate enough to relive my childhood years while working as a Narrative Designer on YUKI: Space Ranger, a VR bullet hell game with the core fantasy of 'play like a kid!'

YUKI holds a very special place in my heart, and crafting its narrative was both challenging and rewarding. Since the story isn't the central focus of the game, and the game is on rails, I leaned heavily on practices like environmental storytelling and emotion curves to convey the narrative visually and emotionally.

Reliving my childhood through this process was incredibly fun and unique, especially since I had the chance to block out ideas using unconventional mediums, like clay.

Check out this blog post I wrote for PSVR, where I dive deeper into the narrative process behind the creation of the game.

Using Clay To Understand Creative Processes

This is a very early on development blocking I did using clay to - at the same time - disinhibit my creativity and understand how the currency of the game could be used in the workshop, the game’s store.

Intensity Curves


Based on my childhood memories, this is an exercise proposed by Kako - the game director - of how a kid’s immagination can physically manifest in their bedroom, the starting point of the game, and how that relates to each of the six initially proposed levels.


"Pixel Ripped 1995: On The Road!"